1. Toddler escaped unharmed

A two year old toddler named Teagan shoved a screw-driver through her eye while her parents were praying at the church. She was at the church too. She grew fidgety and decided to hop into this room where children’s play. What bothers me is: what was a screw driver doing there? And even more astounding is the fact that this room is monitored by adults.
This image on the right describes how deeply she had inserted it. And to everybody's surprise she escaped unharmed; with a little gash in her eye. The X-Ray indicated that she poked it 5 cm into her her brain and the doctors removed it without any bleeding.
2. Alcides Moreno
Alcides Moreno fell from a 47-storry building and survived. He was a cleaner and fell along with his brother. His brother passed away but he luckily survived. Since the fall he has been in comma, on Christmas he spoke his first words:
When wife Rosario would visit him, she would take his hand to stroke her face. On Christmas Day, Moreno himself reached up and stroked the face of a nurse. Rosario Morales said to him (in a gentle manner), "'You're not supposed to do that. You touch your wife, you're not supposed to touch the nurse," to which Moreno spoke for the first time and said, "What did I do?"
Really emotional isn’t it?
A fact to note: only 50 percent of people survive from a 3-storey fall, this was 47 -storey.
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