We believe that Islam revolves around 3 things beside Allah subhanahu...definately there is no comparison to him.....
so the three things are
- The holy Quran
- Prophet Muhammad
- The ahl-e-bait
Allah send the Quran, Prophet Mohammed explained the Quran and he made ahl-e-bait the perfect example in the sense that u want to know what the Quran is trying to say ...take there life as an example and live like them.so here too there is no concept of shirk ...because Ameer ul Mumineen AS was the person who destroyed the idols in Mecca and we are staunch follower of Moulana Ali AS so consequently there is no question of us committing shirk or worshipping idols.
Bowing down.....we have never did sajdah to our Moula tus .whenever we do sajdah its either during namaz or say after a prayer yeah we do sajdah after his deedar (witnessing him) but its not for him its to thanks Allah subhanahu that he gave us an opportunity to do his deedar. So we are just thankful to Allah here and not to our Moula tus. So here too there is no shirk.
Why we eat salt before our meal. Isn’t that something like why we wash our hands before eating food, isn’t that something like why do u take bath everyday, or why do u put hair oil on your head ,its a matter of personal hygiene and I guess its matter of choice...so I guess nobody want resort to Talibanism and put a ban on our practice of tasting salt because yeah it is not mention in the Quran ......if someone wants to follow everything that is mention in the Quran with a totalitarian point of you then I guess he/she have to follow the shariyah. And in this time it is not possible.
ok so u say people complain we have modified the practices mention in the Quran ahem ......what do u think of the 4 different Sunni Islamic schools ;Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, Hanbali. Don’t they have different practices do you go and blame all of them that why one of them follows this and why not this.
A quote from this website
In the early Islamic times the governors would appoint qadis to judge the subjects of their newly acquired territories. They tried to base their decisions on the Qur'an and act according to what they knew to be the Muslim practice (sunna), but when none of these sources were available, they had to judge themselves, whatever seemed right to them personally. This usually included considerations of what was customary in the area. Judgments based on own opinion (ra'y) became common practice of the early jurists, and a system of logic to support the decisions was being formed.
how do they justify this? Will you go and question the authorities of the person who made there own rules without even referring to the holy Quran? Fortunately our Moula tus has never committed such a sacrilege.
People raise such questions to us because they know that we are a docile sect of Islam, we are not going to come to you asking why do u follow this or that. We invest our time in learning what the right thing is and not finding faults with other sects. Actions speaks louder than words.
We don’t believe in converting people to our religion we just believe that those who are already dawoodi bohras don’t get astray from the right path and if our Moula tus is showing us the right path then what’s there problem. he is telling us to fast, perform hajj, read namaz, read Quran, give alms to poor, don’t take interest, don’t eat haram food and countless things that are all mentioned in the Quran. where is the question of shirk here?
don'tu give respect to the imam who leads the prayers or deliver sermons? don’t u think that the imam who is leading the prayers in is different from a normal person, in terms of knowledge, don’t u go and seek guidance from him incase u have a doubt, or the best example would be your molvi or teacher, do u glorify him as god. nooooooo
Similarly our Moula tus has the knowledge: Islamic knowledge. He is like our teacher who is guiding us to the right path strictly following the holy Quran. Doesn’t he deserve respect for what knowledge he has, so we give our Moula tus that respect and does this make him Allah. is that committing shirk.....? n00000000000000
we don’t commit terrorist acts, we don’t harass our woman folks, we boast 100 pc literacy rates, we all try to resort to business and trade as it was advised by Rasullallah SA. So where are we committing shirk?
hypocrisy has its price , I guess it will take more than one life to realize….couple of weeks ago a hypocrite wanted to know how to covert to Dawoodi bohras ...and yeah most of our fellow mumineen did give her a proper and decent responses ...but now that person is raising fingers at our practices...did any bohri ever come to you and said that we dont like your practices....ridiculous.....instead we enlightened her on our practices and never criticized her….we take proud in our culture and traditions….and I think that only those people who have fault in them find fault with others
but believe me friends forgiveness is an act of god and looking at trauma and suffering of our masoomeen ahl-e-bait AS we have learned that aspect of the Quran and our beloved Aqa Moula tus has strengthened those traits in us by constantly reminding us of there suffering at the hands of infidels. I am sure such a person deserves respect for his painless efforts and we are just giving him that respect and not treating him like Allah AstakfiruAllah. there is no question of shirk here.
so let us forget everything and forgive each other. Let us together glorify this Islam religion by tolerating other sects and religion and not force our opinions on others. And yeah to remind you our kalama is La ilaha ill Allah, Mohammadun Rasul al Allah, Ali un Wali ul Allah. Which means there is no god but Allah, prophet Mohammed SA is his rasul and Ali as is his waasi. Doesn’t this answer all of your questions, there is no mention of our Moula tus here.
p.s friend i am in know way to elucidate the vastness of our islamic traditions and how are they adhered to in our sect....i m just trying to clear some misconceptions ...note to all those people who criticize us and our practices.....please dont make any assumptions ...as islam is very delicate like our faith .....so who is committing shirk or whatever ....leave it to them to decide and dont bother them ......if u arent commmitting it then may allah bless you ...thats all we can do ....we shall always pray for you ......like one of our fellow mumineen sistermay allah show you the right path ...amin .